Blocked drains don’t stand a chance against Auckland’s Drain Ninjas

September 13, 2018
Tips & Tricks

Ambushed by an overflowing septic tank or blocked drain? It always happens at the worst time – not that there’s ever a good time to have sewerage or filthy water flowing where it shouldn’t be on your property. When you’ve got any drainage disaster, there’s no better team to have on your side than Auckland’s Drain Ninjas,

A family-owned business with over 25 years’ experience, Drain Ninjas provides affordable, reliable drainage solutions. We work closely with our highly trained technicians and we’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for:

Prevention is better than cure

If you have an emergency, we’ll be there pronto because we service the whole of Auckland, from Pokeno to Warkworth. But we’re also about proactive maintenance and have the skills and experience to prevent small problems escalating into large-scale, home-wrecking disasters!

Drains get blocked by all sorts of debris, including roots, sand, litter, and foreign objects. To keep your drains clear and open for business, you should schedule maintenance twice a year. It costs a lot less to clear out a little debris than it does to fix a drain cracked by invasive roots or redo your bathroom in the aftermath of an overflowing sewerage system.

High-tech drainage solutions

We use state-of-the-art CCTV cameras to do intensive drain inspections. Locating and resolving small blockages prevents them from becoming big ones that can leave you with a significant dent in your pocket. We can flush out your blocked drains quickly with powerful jets, which ensure minimal disruption to landscaping.

Drain Ninjas uses cutting-edge techniques and the latest equipment to unblock drains and do drain maintenance on all types of property, including private homes, offices, apartment buildings, universities, and medical facilities. No job is too big or too small, and we give every job the same attention and care.

Our clients rely on us for cost-effective and efficient drainage solutions. We’re Auckland’s one-stop drainage dream team, so give us a call to book drain maintenance or to solve your drainage problems today.

So do you need Drain Unblocking?

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