Five Reasons Why You Should Probably Book A CCTV Drain Inspection

September 9, 2019

Experts in drainage systems have used a variety of methods to maintain and fix the piping systems in homes and businesses for decades. While some people are open to trying new technology, others are more inclined to trust the old way of doing things. However, the latter group risks suffering because preventable problems can spiral out of control if not detected and dealt with as soon as possible. CCTV drain inspection is one of those technologically advanced methods that can save your drains. In this article, we discuss some of the reasons that may compel property owners to consider a CCTV survey instead of leaving it to chance or DIY.

1) There Are Signs That Your Drainage System Is Blocked

Most people have encountered at least one blocked drain before, so you’ll probably know what it looks like. Overflowing sinks, toilets and outdoor drainage ports are common signs. There are many different causes for a blocked drain so a CCTV inspection can provide the insight needed for an appropriate solution.

2) You Need An Accurate Diagnosis Of The Problems In Your Pipes

Perhaps you’re not quite sure if it’s a blocked system, but you can tell that something’s not right. Whether it’s sounds that you’ve heard, a smell coming from the pipes, or random tremors from inside, we can take a look inside to see what’s actually going on and fix it the best way possible.

3) Your Pipes Have Been Around For Quite A While & May Be Damaged

If there are no signs of damage, but your property is a little old, you may need a CCTV check-up. Any existing aged or damaged elements can be detected this way, so they can be replaced before they turn into bigger problems.

4) There Are Trees On Your Premises, Which Can Cause Damage Through Their Roots

Trees are great for shade, but their roots can get in the way of you having a fully operational drainage system. Our cameras go underground to check if your trees are causing any damage and they help us determine a way forward once we know the cause.

5) You Suspect That There May Be A Collapse Of Your Network Underground

If you’ve heard or felt what seemed like a tremor and nothing is working, your piping system may have collapsed. A CCTV drain inspection is the best way to confirm the extent of the damage and formulate a lasting solution.

An extra set of eyes may be what you need for your drainage systems and we can provide it. Contact Drain Ninjas for effective CCTV drain inspection services.

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