Why Doing A Pre-Purchase Inspection Is Important

August 24, 2017
Tips & Tricks

When you’re planning to purchase a property, whether it be private or commercial, it’s important to do a pre-purchase inspection to be aware of any potential faults in the sites drainage system. A drain system acts as one of the first defences against harsh conditions and helps keep your property protected from water damage. Here are a few reasons why you should get a pre-purchase inspection.

Avoiding surprise overflows or blockages

Overflows can have detrimental impacts on your property due to potential water damage. Not only that, but it can also put the handbrake on your regular day-to-day schedule when your drains don’t work as they’re supposed to. Depending on the health of the overall drain system, there can be water build up in the drain foundations that fails to go away.

This can all be avoided by doing a pre-purchase inspection on your drainage system to identify any faults ahead of time, making you an aware and proactive potential buyer. It also gives you peace of mind that the drainage system is clear.

Written record of the drainage condition pre-purchase

Having a written record in the form of a report is incredibly important should later issues arise in your property’s drainage system. This helps by documenting anything of concern in your drainage system and creating property records for your benefit. Equally, having documentation should faults later arise that are caused by a pre-existing condition could prove the difference in insurance claims.

Video footage of drains

Having video footage showing the drain conditions, and identifying any faults, is useful to have before purchasing a property. Footage can help in the same way that written records can but will stand the test of time with video proof of any drain issues or faults.

If you are in the process of purchasing property and want to cover your bases, Drain Ninja’s are available 24/7 in the Auckland region. Contact us to discuss your needs and we can set up a time to perform a pre-purchase inspection on your future home or business location.

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