Why Should I Get My Drains Inspected

October 16, 2017
Tips & Tricks

Frequently when purchasing a property, potential buyers check a variety of parts to make sure everything is working. Among these will be what insulation is in the property, how cold or damp the house might get, what parts need renovations. But more often than not, the sites drain system is at the back of mind.

This means that any issues in the sites drain system aren’t spotted until later down the track and can prove a significant cost to the new owners. One way to ensure your down pour money down the drain later on is by using a CCTV drain inspection. A CCTV inspection will save you significantly down the track by identifying any issues and allowing you to prevent them ahead of time. Perform a CCTV drain inspection before you commit to the purchase of your future home and save yourself the hassle and the cost of expensive reparations later.

Why Having CCTV Drain Inspections Are Important

In some older properties throughout New Zealand, drain systems are often reliant on metal drainpipes. Because drainpipes aren’t top of mind, corrosion problems can build up over time and cause eventual damage through leaks. This damage can be expensive to fix. Getting a CCTV inspection means seeing the condition of the drains and identifying potential corrosion issues.

Regardless of your reasons behind it, it can be hugely beneficial to know the conditions of your drainage system – even if it’s for a property you’ve been in for 10 years! It’s one of the best ways to find the cause of any problems, as well as a security measure to give you peace of mind. It helps you avoid any nasty drainage and costly surprises.

How do the drain cameras work?

Drain Ninjas use high-tech cameras that go into your drains. These cameras record and capture images as they make their way through your drainage system. Our highly advanced cameras, along with electronic locators, will pinpoint where any problem may be and the depth below ground level.

Having this accurate information helps us identify and plan what work is required to fix any issues, and gives you peace of mind that the drainage system is in healthy, working condition.

With our CCTV technology, we make sure that we don’t overload you with technical jargon. Instead we educate you in a way that’s easy to understand so you know exactly what we’ve done, and the condition of your drain system.

Not only that but Drain Ninjas can identify and frequently pre-empt far more expensive problems occurring for you and your drain system.

If you are wanting an inspection done on your drainage system, Drain Ninja’s are available 24/7 in the Auckland region. Contact us to discuss your needs and we can set up a time to perform either a pre-purchase, or a regular inspection on your commercial or residential property.

So do you need Drain Unblocking?

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