Why You Should Always Get A Professional Drain Inspection Service When Buying A New House

October 21, 2019

New houses are great. It’s always exciting to move to a new place and start life fresh. With all the excitement, there are, however, a few things you need to look out for before moving in. If your home hasn’t had a professional drain inspection service out yet, it might be anything but “fresh.” 

Do I Need One Though?

Well, that depends on whether you want raw sewage seeping into your beautiful new home. Over the years, sewage lines can become blocked or even collapse. When you buy a house, you may not consider this. Getting drains checked by a professional drain inspection company will ensure that you don’t get any stinky surprises a few months down the line.

Isn’t It Part of The Building Inspection?

Unfortunately, not. Sewage lines take specialised equipment to look inside them, and most building inspection companies don’t have that. So although a building inspection is pretty thorough, it does not give you any idea of how your sewage system is looking.

So, What Is A Drain Inspection Then?

During a pre-purchase drain inspection, inspectors will go through all your sewer lines from beginning to end. They use only the most advanced technology, which includes CCTV cameras or robot drones. They’ll also use state of the art electronic location equipment to pinpoint exactly where your drains run, making fixing them easier, should there be any issues. 

Once a thorough examination is complete, you will be presented with a soft and hard copy of the footage so that you can use it for insurance purposes. If your drain inspectors identify any issues, they will set up an appointment to fix the problems. All of this means that you can be worry-free about your drains as the pros will take care of everything!

When Can You Use Professional Drain Inspection Services?

Most drain inspection companies are available 24/7, 365 days a year! At Drain Ninjas, we are one of them. We know that a drain emergency cannot wait for regular business hours. So if you are looking at buying a house, or already have a house, contact us as soon as you can to get a proper drain inspection done, and avoid any nasty surprises!

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