Soak Hole Clearing
Drain Ninjas are highly experienced with soak hole cleaning and maintenance. Our team will locate and clear blocked soak holes quickly, and have the expertise to advise on when repairs or rebuilding are required. Call us today on 0800 4 NINJA
What Are Soak Holes?
Soak holes are an alternative means for getting rid of stormwater for properties that don’t have a connection to public stormwater drainage. They are surprisingly common throughout the Auckland region, and like most drainage systems, people often have no idea they are there until they start to go wrong.
Properties in areas with a lot of volcanic rock often never receive a public stormwater connection because it is very difficult to excavate and put down the necessary pipes. At the same time, the hard, porous rock allows water to easily pass through. Soak holes come in a variety of forms, but generally work by creating a pathway down the bedrock and allowing collected stormwater to seep into the land. Soak holes are not used only in rural areas – they are common in Auckland suburbs with volcanic land, such as Onehunga and Mt Eden.

Potential Issues With Soak Holes
Soak holes are effective and safe stormwater drainage systems, but like other systems they use a filtering grate, which will become clogged over the years with leaves and sediment and eventually stop draining. Most homeowners don’t know whether or not they have a soak hole, but once it becomes blocked you will start to see stormwater flowing out of spouting and driveway cesspits. This needs to be addressed urgently – if heavy prolonged rain comes, your property will be at risk of flooding.
How We Can Help
Drain Ninjas are highly experienced when it comes to soak hole clearing. Using a vacuum truck we quickly remove any blockages and excess water, getting your drainage up and running again quickly. We will also advise you on the type of soak hole you have and how often clearing may be required. Maintenance is only required once every 5-10 years: exactly how often depends on the area you live in. But maintenance can help to prevent sudden blockages and keep your property’s stormwater drainage working for longer.
Soak holes can last approximately 40-50 years if properly maintained, but will eventually need to be replaced. Once we have cleared and checked your soak hole we will let you know if it is starting to deteriorate and in need of replacement. We are able to put you in touch with expert soak hole builders if required.
The Drain Ninja recommendation of the month:
We recommend if having slow draining drains to get a CCTV inspection to check for issues and hydro-flushing to clear the lines for better visual on CCTV. This allows the problem to be solved before it becomes a bigger issue.
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